Tag Archives: Prince Charming

Beware the seemingly perfect person

English: Persuasion, ch 21: Anne Elliot read a...

English: Persuasion, ch 21: Anne Elliot read a letter from Mr Elliot.  (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Jane Austen warns us to suspect the perfect person. Mr Elliot,  from Persuasion, the heir to Kellynch estate is such a perfect person. He says and does all that is expected of him. He doesn’t let himself behave like an embarrassing git. In society, he conducts himself in an exemplary manner, tuned in to all the wishes of all around him and he plays court to those he wishes to infiltrate very successfully. Continue reading


Filed under Romance and Marriage

What effect does our childhood have?


Philosophers, the world over, from east to west, from radical to traditional, dwell on this question. Obviously one’s childhood has an effect. Children from happy and stimulating homes do well in life. But what about children who have to struggle? Can this also be a motivator?  A child can have all the advantages and fail. How many children from extremely successful parents lose their way? And why do men like Bill Clinton, or Barak Obama, men from some-what struggling single parent families, rise to be Americans presidents? Continue reading

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Filed under Childhood, Family